Day 4: GSES-in-Costa Rica

Our day began bright and early at 7:45am. Everyone was cheerfully sharing about their families, the food, the traditional family activities in the evening and more. It is so wonderful to see the kids really feeling part of the families. Mrs. Rolke and I heard things like "my papá tica does this" or "our sister/brother likes this show or game..". The activity for today was zip lining! This was the first of two days of zip lining. This particular zipline was more of a "scenic" (albeit high!) one. Some students were even daring enough to do the Tarzan swing!! Afterward we enjoyed a delicious lunch with homemade pineapple juices. They reminded Mrs. Rolke and me of the frothy Orange Julius drinks from the mall, but the kids are way too young to know what those were! But I digress... lunch was fabulous, and students jumped right into their Spanish classes upon returning to CPI. Then...we had a special surprise at break today...Catherine's 14th birthday celebration! We all enjoyed cake with a dulce de leche filling, of course! Feliz cumpleaños, Catherine!! Hasta mañana!


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