Day 9: GSES-in-Costa Rica
This morning we were able to sleep in a little and enjoy a leisurely buffet breakfast before packing up and heading out. Many students reflected on the tubing and declared it one of their favorite activities! We boarded the bus and headed to the Flamingo area, of the most beautiful areas of the Nicoya Peninsula and part of the "Gold Coast" of Costa Rican beaches. We stopped for a delicious lunch where everyone loved their aguas naturales, which contained flor de jamaica (hibiscus flower), pineapple, mango, mint, and guanabana. We arrived to Playa Conchal, aptly named for the millions of seashells (conchas in Spanish) that form the coastline. Most students had never experienced a beach as unique as this one! They couldn't wait to frolic and splash one another in the ocean! The temperature was perfect and everyone laughed and thoroughly enjoyed themselves! Afterward, we stopped by a well-known gelatería (not heladería) to enjoy a gelato! That's right - gelato! Many Italians have retired and established a community in the area of Potrero (where students live in their beach homestays.) Most would be surprised to know they can get some of the best Italian food and gelato right here in Costa Rica! After our gelato break, students met their new homestay families! Then, they were off to have dinner with their familias ticas and get ready for another week of classes and exploring!
I am so glad you are having such a wonderful time. I will be looking forward to reading what you learn about Have a fabulous day!