Day 2: GSES-in-Costa Rica

Today after a delicious typical Costa Rican breakfast of eggs, fruits, gallo pinto, cereals, breads, juice and coffee, we were ready to finish packing and board the bus for our four hour bus ride to Monteverde. This trip along winding mountain roads was breath-taking, and many students took advantage of great photo opportunities. We arrived to our sister school - Centropanamericano de Idiomas where our students attended an orientation, played some "ice-breaker" games, and took their Spanish placement tests. Then, they met their new familias ticas, and were off to spend the first evening in their Costa Rican homes! Qué emoción! (We are missing the photo of Helen and Sophie with their papás ticos because our CPI chaperone has it on her phone. June 13th update: we now have Helen and Sophie with their tica family added!


  1. Thank you so much for posting~ I would live to have pic of Helen's new familia ticas~

    1. Hi Jenni, Helen's familia tica is posted! Helen and Sophie have a lovely family!


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