Day 3: GSES-in-Costa Rica

Today students were excited to share what they ate for breakfast or desayuno in their Costa Rican homes. Meals included pancakes, eggs, fruits, toast and of course - gallo pinto! The day's activities included hiking through the cloud forest where students learned about the hundreds of orchids indigenous to Costa Rica as well as pumas, ocelots, coatis, birds, and insects that call the cloud forest home. They even came face-to-face with a tarantula! After, we explored the quaint town of Santa Elena before returning to the school where students took a Latin American cooking class! They feasted on homemade chicken fajitas, beans, rice, salad and tortillas! Then, they met their teachers and attended their first Spanish class! The day was gorgeous and the activities sent all students home tired and ready to enjoy dinner with their Tica families! Hasta mañana!


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