Day13: GSES-in-Costa Rica

We've had so much fun learning and enjoying several famed beaches of the Guanacaste coast, but today was fulfilling in a different way. We were able to contribute to changing the lives of a single woman and her three children. Every time it rained, the water would rush in to the young mother's small home, flooding the floors. Since her floors are made of dirt, you can imagine the muddy mess this causes. So, our students descended upon her humble abode like little angels, ready and eager to get to work! And boy, was it hard, back breaking work! Their task was to build a cement border and front patio that would help seal the home and allow rain to run off rather than become trapped inside. Our intrepid travelers learned how to mix concrete, how to even the ground before the mixture can be poured, and then how to trowel it even before it sets. All students worked tirelessly to get the job done. Mrs. Rolke and I were beyond impressed and proud of how hard the kids worked, without much rest at all and without a single complaint. They truly did everything. Even the three construction experts helping on the project commented that they had never seen a group of young students as hardworking and capable as ours, nor did they think the job would even be completed. Boy, did they underestimate our kiddos! Parents - you should be so proud! Oh, and if you need a new driveway installed, just ask your kids! Ha!


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